1. We are a professional online seller, we have 6 years of online selling experience and are committed to providing high quality goods at lower prices. We offer only the best quality products so that our customers can shop with confidence. Feel free to visit our website!
2. We offer only top quality reproductions, we have established long term relationships with factories, distributors and warehouses, eliminating unnecessary costs and providing our global customers with the lowest possible prices, allowing them to shop with confidence, which is why we always strive to be the best website.
3. We ship to over 200 countries worldwide with internationally recognized logistics service providers such as FedEX, DHL, UPS and USPS. Once we receive your payment, the package will be shipped within 48 hours. Delivery time is about 7-15 business days. We will provide buyers with a tracking number for timely online tracking.
4. We offer a variety of payment options for purchases including credit card, PayPal and Zelle.We provide excellent, comprehensive customer service throughout the entire process. Please feel free to contact customer service with any questions, shop with confidence and take advantage of our website offers!
Whatsapp: +8617306007846, Imessage: +8619559291477, Email: rucykick@outlook.com, Instagram: @rucykick.